

Three-Letter Words in the English Language

Here is a list of Three Letter words with example.

Bit- Can I have a bit of your sandwich, please?

Let- Can you let me know when you're ready to leave.

Can- Can you pass me the salt, please?

Ask- Can you please ask the teacher to explain that again?

Any- Do you have any questions about the assignment?

Fun- Going to the amusement park with my friends is always so much fun.

His- His car broke down on the side of the road.

How- How was your day today?

Ate- I ate breakfast before leaving for work this morning.

Bet- I bet that my favorite team will win the game tonight.

Key- I can't find my house key - I think I might have lost it.

Him- I gave him a book for his birthday.

Had- I had a headache yesterday, but I feel better now.

Got- I just got a new job and I'm really excited about it.

Eat- I like to eat breakfast for dinner sometimes.

Ice- I like to put ice in my soda to make it extra cold.

Buy- I need to buy some groceries after work today.

For- I need to buy some wrapping paper for my sister's birthday present.

Dry- I need to dry my clothes before I can put them away.

Get- I need to get up early tomorrow for a doctor's appointment.

Bed- I need to wash the sheets on my bed this weekend.

Car- I saw a really cool vintage car driving down the street.

But- I’m tired, but I still need to finish this project.

Joy- It brings me great joy to spend time with my family and friends.

Hot- It’s really hot outside today, so I'm staying inside in the air conditioning.

Cat- My cat likes to sleep in the sunbeam on the living room floor.

Are- My favorite color and my sister's favorite color are both blue.

Dog- My neighbor's dog barks every time I walk by their house.

Boy- My nephew is a really energetic and curious boy.

Has- My sister has a pet rabbit named Benny.

Dot- Please put a dot at the end of each sentence.

Lip- She applied some lip balm to her chapped lips.

And- She went to the store and bought some milk.

Her- She wore a red dress to the party and everyone complimented her on it.

Big- That skyscraper is really big!

Low- The airplane flew low over the city before landing.

Fly- The butterfly flew from flower to flower in the garden.

Log- The campfire was made using logs gathered from the forest.

Kid- The kid was crying because he lost his favorite toy.

End- The movie ended with a plot twist that I didn't see coming.

Far- The nearest gas station is pretty far from here.

Box- The package arrived today in a cardboard box.

Eye- The portrait's eyes followed me as I walked past it.

Its- The tree's leaves were changing color in the fall and its branches were full of acorns.

Bad- The weather forecast is bad for tomorrow.

Few- There is few things more relaxing than a good book.

Day- Today is Wednesday, which means tomorrow is Thursday.

Lot- We needs to do a lot of work before the deadline.

Did- What did you do over the weekend?
