
Showing posts with label Conversation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conversation. Show all posts


Conversation between two best friends in simple English

Here is a Conversation between two best friends in simple English.

Friend 1: Hi there, how are you doing today?


Friend 2: Hey, I'm doing pretty well. How about you?


Friend 1: I'm doing okay. I've been pretty busy with work lately.


Friend 2: Yeah, I know what you mean. I've been swamped with school assignments.


Friend 1: Ugh, that sounds rough. Is there anything I can do to help?


Friend 2: Thanks, but I think I'll be okay. I just need to buckle down and get it done.


Friend 1: Well, if you change your mind, just let me know. You know I'm always here for you.


Friend 2: I appreciate that. You're the best friend anyone could ask for.


Friend 1: Aw, thanks. You're pretty awesome yourself.


Friend 2: So, what are you up to this weekend?


Friend 1: Not much, really. I was thinking of catching up on some reading and maybe watching a movie or two. How about you?


Friend 2: I'm going to a concert with some friends on Saturday night. Other than that, I don't have any plans.


Friend 1: That sounds like fun. Who are you going to see?


Friend 2: It's a local band that I really like. They're playing at a small venue downtown.


Friend 1: Oh cool, I've heard good things about them. Have fun and let me know how it goes.


Friend 2: Will do. Hey, we should plan a get-together soon. Maybe have a BBQ or something.


Friend 1: Yes! That sounds like a great idea. Let's do it.


Friend 2: Awesome. I'll text you later and we can figure out the details.


Friend 1: Sounds good. Looking forward to it.
